Instructors & Schools
Our Experts
Sarah Day
Sarah Day AKA Memma is an experimental archaeologist with almost 2 decades of experience in bushcraft and primitive survival. Her previous experience includes working for Ray Mears for 13 years AND Will Lord of the Stone-Age for over 3 years.
Phil Brooke Longbows
Phil is a Woodsman, Bushcraft Specialist & Traditional Bowyer. He founded Chosen Paths Bushcraft in 2011, and since then the company has evolved into Phil Brooke Longbows - The Way Of The Woods.
Woodland Survival Crafts
One of the longest established schools of Bushcraft in the UK, established 1995. Recognised by the Institute for Outdoor Learning (IOL) as an Approved Provider and assessor of Training for the Bushcraft Competency Certificate.
Pippin and Gile
From paddling across Scotland in a packraft to leading expeditions in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Thailand and Peru, Lizzy (founder) has gathered a wealth of experience and her enthusiastic team know how to deliver an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Down in the Woods
With a “Level 4 Certificate in Bushcraft Leadership” Christopher believes that Bushcraft is the practical process of learning from the environment you find yourself in, adapting the knowledge and training you have to it and living comfortably in it by becoming part of that environment.
Lonescout Bushcraft
Born of a lifetime of working with people and a passion for the outdoors. As an Accredited Practitioner with the Institute for Outdoor Learning and a holder of their Foundational Bushcraft Competency Certificate, Ian Cresswell offers a flexible response to your Bushcraft and Survival educational needs.
Woodland Ways
Operating throughout the globe with instructors delivering expeditions to Kenya, South Africa, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Sweden and much more. UK based, their large team (headed by founder Jason Ingamells) delivers courses from half-day workshops to the well renowned 2 year Bushcraft course, The Woodland Wayer.
Coastal Survival School
The UK Coast line is a beautiful and sometimes wild environment, with an abundance of wild food, fish and shellfish. Learn how to collect, catch and cook them, along with the other essential skills needed to both Survive and enjoy the great outdoors.
Bison Bushcraft
Roger employs a friendly, confident and hands on approach to Bushcraft training and you’ll often find Bison Bushcraft expeditions to remote wilderness areas such as Northern Canada or The Rocky Mountains, where everybody involved truly lives off the land.
Rob Evans
Rob is an expert woodsman who has been to every Wilderness Gathering since it started in 2003. He has ventured out on many expeditions and his broad skill set comes from a wealth of outdoors experience. He has a youtube channel with a strong following and is an accomplished knife maker.
Wild Woodcraft
Based in the Lincolnshire area offering a wide variety of engaging bushcraft and outdoor experiences for all. Our permanent team are Matthew Chapman and Maria Charles who bring together a wide skill set to make your experience challenging, inspiring and fun whilst maintaining high levels of safety and well-being.
Axe and Paddle
Axe & Paddle was founded by Steve Le Say and his wife, Kirsty, in 2012. Steve teaches primitive skills and crafts such as Fur and Buckskin Tanning, Friction Fire Lighting and Moccasin Making and many other crafts. He also makes and replicates many primitive tools and artefacts, from bone tools to birch bark pots and rabbit fur gloves to sinew backed short bows.
Kyt Lyn Walken / The Way of Tracking
The Way of TrackingOfficial European representative for Hull's Tracking School (Virginia USA), established in 2018 and led by Kyt Lyn Walken, mantracking expert, instructor and certified antipoaching ranger. The Way of Tracking provides mantracking classes all over Europe to SAR, Army and LE personnel as well as forensic consultancy.
Paul Bradley
Paul Bradley aka 'Bardster' of Bison Bushcraft is a consumate craftsmanwhose roots go back to the living history world where he learnt to recreate by hand the tools and artefacts of tiomes past. Paul works for Bison Bushcraft but has his own crafts website at www.probecrafts.co.uk.
Jackie Saull-Hunt
Leading lecturer at The College of Naturopathic Medicine, Jackie is a career herbalist whose knowledge of healing flora is second to none. She offers plant walks, discussions on healing herbs and massage. She trades as Battle Clinic of Herbal Medicine.
Chris Smart
Chris has a passion for survival related skills and believes that people should have the opportunity to develop their own knowledge and techniques and that the training they receive plants the seeds for them to achieve this. Chris has taught survival skills in temperate, tropical, arid, and extreme cold regions of the world during his 30 plus years involved in the survival skills field.
Francis Lawrence
There's a big difference between surviving in nature and thriving in nature and that difference fascinates me. For the last few years I've been priviledged to get the opportunity to work on becoming a qualified instructor under the knowledgeable team at the Survival School. I also weave baskets as well as making quality bushcraft, woodcraft, hunting and kitchen knives.
Willow Lohr
Willow has spent most of her life living in the remoter parts of the Scottish Highlands. Although born in the Netherlands, the rugged conditions and dramatic landscape of Scotland is where she feels most at home. She has become an accomplished craftswoman in many traditional skills, spanning from Neolithic times to the present.
Chris Grice
Chris Grice has been on his own journey of nature wellness taking him from overwhelm and stress, to a place where nature brings balance to his busy life. Chris is a Forest School leader and has a lvl3 in Advanced Wilderness Therapeutic Approaches . He has also completed a level 2 in counselling skills which will allow him to help others to use nature as a mirror and benefit from the ‘wilderness’ as he has done. www.wildernesstribe.org
Feral Science
Rupert Loch of Feral Science has his own particular flavour of Bushcraft instruction. By providing the knowledge and science behind skills he shares a far greater understanding of how things work. This brings greater confidence in learning new bushcraft skills.
Roli Jones
Roli is a true Celt and a survival instructor for the Royal Marines who shares his bushcraft knowledge openly, is an accomplished green wood worker and is a very active advocate for forces charities.
James Glasheen
Practicing for over 25 years and teaching for the last 6, FlockYoga’s classes blends Iyengar, restorative, yin and vinyasa. There is a strong focus on breath work and meditation, in addition to stamina, strength and balance.hello@flockyoga.comflock.yoga or #flockyoga on Instagram Flock Yoga on Facebook
Following a career in the armed forces and military intelligence, and having undertaken MSc and PhD degrees and a post-doctoral fellowship in academic cardiology, I worked for over 20 years as a Consultant Scientist in cardiology and lecturer in applied physiology before taking up full-time positions in pre-hospital and emergency medicine. Military service provided me with my first exposure to expedition medicine and disaster relief and I have gone on to serve as solo medic for expeditions in Africa, Asia, South America, and across Europe as well as gaining experience in delivering healthcare in the Channel Islands and as a search and rescue medic. I left my permanent NHS appointment as Lead Advanced Clinical Practitioner in one of London’s busiest emergency departments in April 2024 to focus on my legal career and remote area medicine whilst I continue in my role as CEO and CQC Registered Manager for Remote Medic UK Ltd. My varied positions have provided me with extensive clinical experience as well as competence as a senior manager and leader with a broad understanding of NHS and private sector healthcare, academia, the military and commerce. I am an instructor for adult and paediatric advanced life support and trauma resuscitation courses, I was one of the first Paramedics in the UK to qualify as an Independent Prescriber, I have completed the JESIP National Tactical (Silver) Command qualification, and I am one of only a dozen UK clinicians to hold the Fellowship of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine.